
David Adefeso Impresses Fans With Footage From His Vacation Spot

David Adefeso impressed his fans and followers with videos from the vacation location where he’s spending some time. Check out the post that he shared on his social media account.

Someone said: ‘This is beautiful and enchanting David,’ and a commenter posted this: ‘Paradise does give that warm fuzzy home vibe.’

A fan said: ‘Bro I know it must feel good. Enjoy and Happy Holidays,’ and one other follower said: ‘Handsome David you do have good classy statement!!! Nice.’

Someone else said: ‘Where’s this Paradise? Oh my, my,My!’ and one other follower said: ‘David thank you for the valuable information you give out. What advice can you offer someone that really wants to start there on business but just don’t know where to start.’

He also posted another interesting post a few days ago.

David Adefeso   says something important about the system. Check out the video that he shared on his social media account below.

‘I once heard a wise man say “God distributed talent equally, but not opportunity”. A very apt saying when one considers the truth-in-fact that our current social, economic and education systems were not built for the poor and underserved/underrepresented members of our communities to rise above where they currently are,’ David began his message.

He continued and said: ‘Through disparities in the credit and banking systems, housing, employment and many others, the system wasn’t built for the poor to become rich….nor was it built for the descendants of the poor to become rich either. Let’s take one simple example of how so many of our kids get left behind.’

‘A large number of our kids in the inner cities are raised by single moms (last I heard was up to 70%) who have to juggle child-rearing responsibilities with those of putting food on the table- sometimes working 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet….with no childcare or other support system to assist her. With dad sometimes unwilling or unable to step up, there’s often not enough parental attention and learning that a kid should have pre-k. So many of these kids are already behind when they get into kindergarten. The situation doesn’t improve when they get into the “challenged” (for lack of a better word) inner-city public school system,’ he wrote.


Fans are sending their love to David ahead of the year’s end.

David Adefeso Impresses Fans With Footage From His Vacation Spot
Communication Philippines

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