
Cardi B Impresses Fans Following This Grand Gesture She Made

Cardi B impresses her fans with the latest move that she recently made. Check out the post that The Shade room shared.

‘More than a week ago, 17 lives were lost following a deadly fire that occurred in an apartment building in the Bronx area of New York City. Now Bronx-native, #CardiB is stepping up to help cover the costs as the families prepare to lay their loved ones to rest,’ The Shade Room notes.

TMZ notes that ‘Cardi will help cover both funeral and burial costs. She has also teamed up with The Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City, which will help those who were affected by the fire.’

Cardi said, ‘I cannot begin to imagine the pain and anguish that the families of the victims are experiencing, but I hope that not having to worry about the costs associated with burying their loved ones will help as they move forward and heal.’

As previously reported, the fire took place earlier this month.

Someone said: ‘This the real definition of “ remembering where you came from”’ and a commenter posted this: ‘Once again celebrities stepping up to the plate and doing things that our government should be doing.’

A fan said: ‘Even if your not a fan or her or her music you can’t do anything but RESPECT this queen! So many tragedies happen in the world & some celebrities do nothing about it! This is truly amazing’

One follower posted this: ‘The Bronx community really got together during difficult times, Love to see it,’ and a follower said: ‘Super surprising that only music celebrities the only ones to do stuff like this.’

Somoene else said: ‘God bless her. I could only imagine what it would feel like to lose my family member and everything I own.’


Back in December, Cardi B  revealed a surprise for her fans and followers. She also had to say something meaningful about Lil Kim.

Cardi B Impresses Fans Following This Grand Gesture She Made
Communication Philippines

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