
Jason Momoa And Lisa Bonet Split Up After 5 Years Of Marriage

Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet have called it quits after 5 years. Check out the post that he shared on his social media account below that has fans in tears.

‘We have all felt the squeeze and changes of these transformational times… A revolution is unfolding ~and our family is of no exception… feeling and growing from the seismic shifts occurring And so~ We share our Family news~ That we are parting ways in marriage. We share this not because we think it’s newsworthy ~ But so that~ as we go about our lives we may do so with dignity and honesty. The love between us carries on, evolving in ways it wishes to be known and lived. We free each other ~to be who we are learning to become… Our devotion unwavering to this sacred life & our Children Teaching our Children What’s possible ~ Living the Prayer May Love Prevail J & L.’ Momoa posted on his social media account.

Someone said: ‘Lawd Jesus…. this pandemic is taking our lives, our marriages … Help us Lawd!! This is taking me out!!!!’

A follower posted this: ‘I feel Covid made people, especially celebrities actually spend real quality time with eachother for once and forced them to not be able to use their jobs as a distraction or excuse. Things became raw, honest, open and vulnerable and people couldn’t avoid the unavoidable anymore. People had to sit with eachother and their true feelings and realized that they weren’t a good match anymore and weren’t happy anymore. It’s sad, but it’s life. It seems as though they recognized this and are doing what’s best for them. I wish their family the best moving forward.’

One other commenter said: ‘Whew chile corona is lasting longer than these relationships,’ and someone else said: ‘Although it’s sad. I am loving these new respectful amicable classy divorces. Everything doesn’t have to be bitter.’

Back in September last year, we revealed that  Jason Momoa   does not allow his kids to watch Baywatch! Here’s the explanation below.


CheatSheet revealed not too long ago that if you were born before 1990, you probably noticed Momoa first on Baywatch: Hawaii – this ran from 1999-2001.

Jason Momoa And Lisa Bonet Split Up After 5 Years Of Marriage
Communication Philippines

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